Hello Titty Tuesdays

Patchwork Heart is in Hello Titty Tuesdays for this weeks round!

Secret Passions outfit in Green or Pink
Usually 250L, or 300L with the applier, for just today you can get this at a bargin 50L all in!

Hurry and pick yours up before the day ends!

Blue Frame Sale

We are having a HUGE Sale at PWH this month... ish...

Anything in the Store with a blue frame on the Main picture is in the sale

Outfits 100L, or less in some cases. Tit apps to go with them only 10L

All these items will be retired at the end of the sale and will only be available to purchase on the marketplace at full price after the sale.

Reasons for doing this is well we thought it was about time we did some major updating of our stock, after the sale you will find a huge new range of clothes in the store, but to do this we needed to make some room!

So come and grab a bargain while you can.

All tit apps include a tango applier as well as the others already available.


Hello Titty Slots

Hello Titty Slots
Prim Breast Friendly Gatcha Event

A 'Big Boobie Babes Freebies' Event

Sponsored by:
Pink Sugah
Patchwork Heart

Saturday 20th July

Any designer who wishes to be involved please contact Dj Mixemup inworld


Hunts happening this month!

Two Hunts happening right now over at the Store
Hello Titty Hunt 2 and Sexy Nerd Hunt
Both start on the 15th June and finish on the 15th of July.

You Gatcha get these!

Gatchas @ Bewbapalooza